March 8, 2006

Today I am all thrilled and stuff, because i've used my heart-shaped onigiri mold for today's bento.

Onigiri (rice balls) with tuna and mayo inside; two have toasted sesame seeds on top, while the middle one has the salt 'n spice seasoning I use when I fix tuna salad. Some sliced cucumber, sugar snap peas, and carrots (they're dry, yeah.. but I let them get that way cuz I don't like the texture when they're wet --;) with light dill dip (needs refrigeration, and after taking the photo I wrapped the little cup in plastic wrap to avoid disaster), a "spring" oreo, and a cherry-chocolate Andes mint. Also, stretch island fruit leather and a Whips! yogurt (not pictured).

Now I really want more onigiri molds, maybe in less cutesy shapes. ^^; They're insanely helpful, especially when putting in filling. No rice-y hands!


Moni-Chan said...

I love your blog! I hope you don't mind I posted a link to it from mine. Your obento's look wonderful.

Sarah said...

I would love to know how/where you learned to do that! I have always wanted to try making onigiri. Let me know! :)

Juliet Carnell said...

I just discovered your blog. I love bentos and onigiri and you make such lovely ones!

Peter in Japan said...

Hi, sorry for the unorthodox method of contacting you. I'm Peter Payne with J-List (, a site that sells rather a lot of bento producs. I am wondering if I could be contacted by the webmaster at peter-jlist, domain name

Sachiko said...

Oh!This is lovely heart BENTO!