February 15, 2006

Happy V-day!

And it is for me. I woke up to a lovely package from John on the kitchen table. Inside, various adorable things, including some Nyanko mini-bento boxes! I love Nyanko so much and they're perfect as part of my silly bento collection. <3

Hoorah for the crap picture. But since it's V-day I decided to make something nifty, so here's my first attempt at Oyaku (Chicken and Egg) Donburi. :3 I used spinach instead of hornwort, because I have a lot of spinach and can't find honewort anywhere. XD One of the new Nyanko containers is here, holding homemade pickles (sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds).

I was very bad today, and also ordered myself some bento divider cups (in quiet, pastel colors ^^;) and a heart-shaped onigiri mold (!).
I fear for Japan when Julie and I visit, for I am going to buy lots of stuff when we go. XD They will be cleaned out of bento and yarn.

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